Stop discrimination

April 28, 2012 § 13 Comments

I was sent this from DCG (much thanks) and it really pissed me off.  More than that I got pissed off at myself, because when reading the story said “Well DUH Catholic School”.  Then I realized how brainwashed we are getting with the media portraying those fighting for discrimination to be the ones who are the victims to those mean nasty people seeking tolerance. *Stamp foot* “Stop being intolerant of my intolerance!”  When did I join them?  When did I excuse intolerance because of religion?  As a Catholic School, yes, it is perfectly legitimate to not have someone talking about non-Catholic values.  But his speech was not about or even alluding to the fact that he is a homosexual.  He was discriminated against because he had the nerve to be proud of his loving and committed relationship, and excited on making a permanent commitment to his  partner.  He was told it was because he is openly gay.  If he had hidden the fact he is homosexual it would be okay.

Now I can hear some of you asking, but isn’t it okay, after all, it is a catholic school?  But ask yourself, if a woman was teaching in a Catholic school, should it be okay if she gets fired for using birth control?  I dare say most of us would say no.  Hells, the Catholic Church has swept years of child sexual abuse under the rug while the priests, or as I like to call them, perps were still not only conduction mass but lining up alter boys for their new positions wherever they were sent to do God’s work.  Yet a man who is is a committed and loving relationship with another man is going to taint the young minds of the graduates?

One of the thing that continually amazes me is that judgement is so much an issue in Christianity.  I know I am no bible guru but isn’t judging supposed to be left up to God if you are a Christian, or Muslim, or fuck, any religion really.  Isn’t it terribly arrogant to think you know what is in another’s heart?  Let alone some supreme being that we are continuously told his goodness is such you cannot fathom it?

So I guess one big question is, how do you know when you are being intolerant of religion or too sensitive?  I guess I personally want to pick another piece out of Leviticus and see if it would be reasonable to say… “Hey on Facebook he said he ate at Red Lobster last night.  That abomination cannot talk to our children.”  The funny thing is he could have written on Facebook about him hitting it with a different woman every night and not one word would have been said about it.
So a school chooses this moment to show it’s students what they think being Catholic is really about… Hate.

So there is a petition:

Because no school should be telling their students that hate in the name of religion is okay.  JMHO.  I hope you all sign if you agree.

And A big Thank You to DCG.  I would have missed this if you had not brought it to my attention.

And I know I did not make this to a U, fuck it, this was way more important.

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