Niagara Falls

October 27, 2011 § 9 Comments

   And party it was.  A shit load of money was lost, not from this boy.  I had money aside for losing and that was it.  C actually came up about 80 ahead of the game.  Well not huge, but better than losing.  I lost 100, but went in with that intention, and over all not bad for a weekends entertainment.  Oh, not counting another 40 at the arcade.  The weekend went by without anything bad happening… If you don’t count someone puking in the hot tub, and that I got slightly lost in the hotel, but eventually found my way back to our room.
   Started at the arcade, moved onto the ripper bar.  Fuck 8 bucks a beer to watch some stripper I have no interest in watching:P  Anyway, then onto the Casino.  It was a blast.  The only kinda down side was there was a soccer tournament in town.  KIDS soccer.  We were getting many a disapproving look from parents who apparently thought that we were … well acting like the drunken fools we no doubt were.  But it was not in their house.  We paid just as much to be at the hotel as they did.
   C actually made a great effort to be nice, and a fun time was had by all…. well except maybe one of Jake’s Uni buddies who looked a bit worse the wear even when we left late Sunday afternoon.  (I’m guessing he was the puker, thankfully I was long gone by that time)

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