almost got in an accident

March 20, 2011 § 9 Comments

So I took my brother over to the mall to get my mother a present. On the way back some idiot whips out of the parking space where I am. A blast of horn had him stop like half and inch from my bumper. I did my civic duty and with a flurry of hand gestures and shouts I expressed my dissatisfaction with his driving skills.
So we go home, my mom is gushing and CJ says “We almost got hit by a douche bag.” Uncomfortable silence as two sets of accusing eyes fall on little old me. “That is not an appropriate thing to say,” Dad sends a glare my way. Little shit ratted me out… or so I thought…

“That’s what you call the drivers who make you mad,” CJ tells him. OMFG! My bro is awesome!

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