drunken night

May 12, 2012 § 20 Comments

I got silly, stupid, ridiculously drunk last night.  Went out with a couple of friends and the reverse happened of what usually happens.  Usually you plan for about a party of six to eight, and you are lucky if four show.  This time everyone seemed to bring one or two, so there we close to two dozen in our group.    I can’t remember when I’ve had so much fun.
I woke up feeling watched.  You know that super paranoid feeling you get.  I woke with a start, Nelson staring at me from the foot of the bed.  Usually he is not allowed in our room when we sleep, but occasionally he manages to sneak in.  Not pointing any fingers here, or assigning blame, but for some reason when I drink C forgets to make sure he is out of the room.  I would have ignored him, but the moment I rolled over he attacked my foot with claws and teeth.  He is still very much a kitten with a few things.  Though he no longer goes foolish with tinfoil balls (unless you put catnip in it), two things turn him into that kitten he was a year ago.  1.  Laser pointer, better yet, two laser pointers.  2. any movement under a blanket or sheet.
advice animals memes  - Animal Memes: The Most Interesting Cat in the World: And You're Wearing Sweat Pants“Get out, Nelson,” moving my foot away from him, which only caused another pounce.  Now C is not a cat person.  He is very much a dog person, and is used to dogs.  In a very strong commanding voice he says : Nelson out.  And of course the animal reacted like any cat in the world would.  He gave me a look of “is he fucking kidding me”, and deliberately sprawled out on his back, stretching, taking up as much of the bed as he possibly could.
C complains the cat does not listen.  Really?

N is for

April 17, 2012 § 6 Comments

Okay, I got nothing.  So in the spirit of Hollywood, particularly the movie Basic Instinct, I will hide my lack of content with a gratuitous pussy shot.

So N is for Nelson.

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